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Playing chess in Bourne has become a whole lot easier thanks to Bourne Chess Club.

Young players are welcome to come to the “Junior’s Club” on a Tuesday evening at Wake House, in the Windmill Room from 6.30-7.30pm  Cost £2   This is a very friendly and relaxed way to learn about chess for youngsters. The club has a Safeguarding Policy that is enforced and parents are required to accompany their children at all times in the building.

For older newcomers to the club, you are best off starting by coming to the Tuesday evening “Social” session. You can meet some of the members of the club in a relaxing environment, and it matters not what ability or previous experience you have of the game. This is also on a Tuesday evening and it starts at 7.30pm going through to 9.30pm – cost £5

For any players who like more competitive chess, and perhaps want to play rated chess where they improve their grades within different time controls, the Thursday evening session is for you. It is in The Baxter Room of Wake House, Thursdays 6.30-9.30pm  £5  We have refreshments available for free.  You may enter yourself in the pool of players to represent Bourne Chess Club in external league matches within the Cambridgeshire County Chess Association. All we ask is that newcomers to the club first of all come to the “Social” session on a Tuesday evening before visiting us on a Thursday as Thursday evenings do have rated league matches running.

Everybody who comes to Bourne Chess Club on either evening is welcome to make use of the private car park at the rear, and are advised to tap in their registration on one of the many monitors in the building- parking is free.